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About us

VisionEDSpecialists in Primary Physical Education

VisionED provides schools, teachers and those working with primary age pupils with accredited national qualifications, CPD, advice, support, guidance, coaching and consultancy services to ensure all pupils benefit from enjoyable, high quality physical education / PESSPA(H). We work by empowering YOU!

We work across UK and even internationally – with learners in schools in China, Germany and Spain for example. We can travel to you or support you via zoom or other means, we are adaptable to your needs. If we can help, we will!

As VisionED’s founder and director, Martin Radmore has been involved in Educational Improvement for more than 28 years and before that was a PE Teacher / Subject Leader in schools.

VisionED is all about inspiring you to create that vision, that bigger picture of what you want to achieve in and through PE; without one schools can struggle to deliver a coherent and consistent high quality curriculum offer. We think of it as a jigsaw – the need for the picture of what you are trying to put together – the Vision for PE and your school. We help you put in the four corners, identify the frame and finally build that picture thus creating your vision based on your pupils needs. This is why we use the jigsaw piece logo and have continued to use it with our re-branding as we celebrate 8 years as VisionED. Let us help you create that vision, that picture – it’s what we do! We’re good at it!

VisionED is also a fully accredited centre able to offer specialised national qualifications from the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) in Primary PE through Gateway Qualifications one of the UK’s largest Awarding Bodies. Martin wrote them and so as such is able to offer a real depth of knowledge and support to all our learners and over the years has qualified well over a 1,000 individuals with the national qualifications in Teaching and Learning in PE in Primary Schools (Level 3) and the national qualification in Leadership and Management in PE in Primary Schools (Level 4). Take a look at them and see how they could support and help you, your colleagues or school.

As a former specialist and senior local authority adviser with Norfolk County, Martin contributed significantly to the educational landscape in the county and nationally. He won the national award for Leadership and Influence within the PE and school sport landscape in 2012 and his passion for physical education burns as strongly today as it ever did.

Martin has also worked as a teacher and adviser in Bedfordshire as well as a lecturer in Initial Teacher Training Education – ITTE (PE and sport). He also worked in the commercial sector being very successful in managing the sports division of Europe’s largest educational tour operator at the time.

This commercial experience helped him develop many skills around sustainability and financial acumen. He left this industry to return to his passion of teaching and making a difference for children and young people, in and through PE.

Physical Education is his passion and it underpins his belief that every child is entitled to receive a high quality experience in PE which will engage and inspire them. If we can ensure that we can build upon the tremendous hard work of primary teachers to date, the huge investment of government funding and provide all teachers, coaches, HLTA’s, Cover Supervisors and educationalists with high quality CPD we will make a huge sustainable impact. The beneficiaries – the young people in our schools! So why not join with us, work with us to provide every child with high quality PE.

Our most frequently requested and delivered course?

That’s easy – Gymnastics, especially the progression from floor onto apparatus. Our large apparatus course / CPD in your school looks at how to use the apparatus you have both safely and effectively, how to maximise learning, engagement and participation. Twilight CPD is the most common and we travel up and down the country delivering this in all types of settings – academies, infant schools and independent schools. Our approach is simple yet effective, boosts teacher confidence and enables staff to make those progressions to apparatus as well as making gymnastics as a whole more accessible, engaging and enjoyable. Our resources which we leave for you support you further and can be easily adapted and edited to feature your school’s logo etc. as they are left on a USB. Our Twilight Staff CPD – looking at getting the wall bars out and using apparatus in gymnastics is incredibly popular – click HERE

Outdoor and Adventurous Activities (OAA) is a hot second with more and more schools looking to use the ‘hidden gem’ of the PE curriculum to help deliver more holistic developments and agenda. Ofsted believe that it has a bigger and unfilled role to play in primary schools and we work with schools and others (such as The National Institute of Teaching and Education) to provide CPD and training in this brilliant area of learning. Click HERE

We also offer Subject Leader Support where we work directly with you as the subject’s leader in your school, offering bespoke support or quality coaching, meeting your needs. Click HERE

Our USP’s

  • Specialist Accredited National Qualifications (RQF) in Primary PE
  • Our PE Qualifications meet all the requirements for PE and Sport Premium Funding
  • Our CPD builds sustainability, resilience and capacity
  • Our CPD builds and boosts staff confidence & competence
  • We focus on the outcomes for children and young people
  • We work to EMPOWER you and work with you well beyond the confines of the courses we offer
  • We have no expensive management structures or overheads which allows us to keep the cost to you lower than our competitors
  • We work collaboratively and in partnership wherever possible
  • We build capacity, resilience and expertise in schools, for schools
  • We work nationally and internationally to support high quality PE for ALL

We get feedback like this:

Martin, thank you so much for your amazing words and coaching as always. You inspire me to learn more and always get better. It is really nice to hear others opinions as it is so easy to get caught up in your own world, particularly in Spain. Thank you again so much and I too wish it was face to face as I know we could talk for hours regarding all of this. I am LOVING this course and literally use parts of it on a daily basis. It is helping me become not only a better leader but also someone with a bigger vision and understanding. It is inspiring me to learn even more.