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Petition to make PE a ‘Core Subject’ and guarantee a minimum 2 hrs – PLEASE SIGN

24 April 2019

A national petition has been launched to make PE a ‘Core Subject’ within all schools. It would also see a minimum guarantee of 2 hours per week of PE for ALL.

We are urging everyone who cares about the future health and happiness of children and young people to sign this petition. It only takes a ,matter of moments to complete and your signature could make all the difference.

Petition Make PE a core subject from KS1-KS5 with a minimum of 2hrs allocated weekly

PE should be a mandatory core part of the curriculum in all schools not just a recommendation. Exercise is associated with both physical and mental well-being.
Given the increase in childhood obesity & type two diabetes, 38% of secondary schools have still cut their PE time in the last five years.

Research has found that just 8% of girls and 16% of boys aged 11-18 currently meet the recommend daily activity. Respectively 44% & 36% of girls and boys aged 13-15 are also either overweight or obese, while insufficient physical activity ultimately costs the NHS around £1 billion a year.

Youth Sport Trust and Women in Sport Girls Active survey reported that 38% of secondary schools have cut PE time since 2014 for children aged between 14-16 amid the pressure of exams and core subjects.

To find out more and to sign – click on the embedded link below.


PLEASE SIGN and help secure our young people’s future.


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