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Start with Why

27 May 2021

Start with WHY

Is a great book by Simon Sinek which I saw on my study bookshelf this morning. It just reminded me so…….

With over 30 years PE experience much of which as a Local Education Authority PE Adviser I have seen many initiatives and a great amount of funding applied to my beloved subject.

But the one thing that makes the biggest impact IMO is heart and a passion for doing the very best for your pupils, keeping them at the centre of your thinking.
I am lucky enough to have worked with so, so many people like this – who consistently put the needs of their pupils at the very core of what they do and who achieve so many great things – outstanding things!
It has been my privilege to work with them, to support and guide them at times, share ideas, develop concepts and learning opportunities. It drives me, continues to inspire me and I never stop learning from those I work with. It isn’t always easy, especially where those colleagues are unsupported, or have no control over vital decisions such as spending the premium on additional and sustainable activities to improve standards of achievement, quality of pupil experience, teaching and learning and opportunity. 
Ultimately I want to work to make myself redundant – to empower schools to be able to lead and sustain high quality PE / PESSPA themselves. Sure it can be disheartening to speak to schools with no scheme of learning, no real direction and who ‘subcontract out’ teaching – but we are here to help, to support those schools, to provide CPD, to signpost to resources, others to help.

Why? Because EVERY child should receive a high quality entitlement and experience in PE.

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